Cooler Cleaner

Cooler Cleaner

USD $15.35
Cooler Cleaner

Cooler Cleaner

USD $15.35
Removes Mildew and Deodorizes. For coolers, ice chests, thermos bottles, and plasticware. Removes mold and mildew, food stains, drink stains, and blood stains. Deodorizes, cleans, and refreshes without harsh chemicals or chlorine bleach. Leaves no odor or residue. Solution is biodegradable and a concentrated powder.
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  • Description

Removes Mildew and Deodorizes. For coolers, ice chests, thermos bottles, and plasticware. Removes mold and mildew, food stains, drink stains, and blood stains. Deodorizes, cleans, and refreshes without harsh chemicals or chlorine bleach. Leaves no odor or residue. Solution is biodegradable and a concentrated powder.