Fiberglass Reconditioner

Fiberglass Reconditioner

USD $23.00
Fiberglass Reconditioner

Fiberglass Reconditioner

USD $23.00
One Step - Restores and Protects Restores color to faded fiberglass. Removes oxidation and chalking, water-line, water spots, tars and oils, and leaves a brilliant protective coating that lasts for months. There is no need to wax over IOSSO. Because it does not contain silicone, it will not cause problems with refinishing at a later time. A 1 pound can will clean a 30 foot boat from the waterline up.
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  • Description
One Step - Restores and Protects Restores color to faded fiberglass. Removes oxidation and chalking, water-line, water spots, tars and oils, and leaves a brilliant protective coating that lasts for months. There is no need to wax over IOSSO. Because it does not contain silicone, it will not cause problems with refinishing at a later time. A 1 pound can will clean a 30 foot boat from the waterline up.